The days are shorter. The weather is colder. It all means one thing: winter has officially arrived. If you’re a native of the Midwest, you may think you know what it takes to prepare yourself for the winter. Maybe you have a winter checklist. But do you have the right items on that checklist? ThedaCare At Home is here to make sure your checklist includes items related to your home’s accessibility. 

Keep Ramps Clear 

If your home is equipped with a mobility ramp, it’s important to keep it clear of any snow and ice buildup. Keeping these ramps clear is essential for anyone using a mobility device to enter your home to prevent slippage. So, whether your ramp is made of wood, steel, aluminum or some other material, make it a priority to keep it clean throughout the winter. 

Stay Active 

If you live with limited mobility, it can be easy to live a sedentary lifestyle at home in the winter. Make sure to take time a few days per week to do some exercises, even if you have to remain seated in your mobility device.  

Keep a Stock of Emergency Provisions 

This goes beyond having non-perishable food ready for when a winter storm hits your area. If you use a powered mobility device, make sure you have a battery that is fully charged at all times so you can still use your device even if the power goes out.  

Dress in Bright Colors 

It’s understandable for you to want to get out of the house when the winter weather hits to avoid cabin fever. If you do go outside, remember that the days are shorter, and visibility can be limited when it is snowing. Be sure to wear bright clothing and even a fluorescent-colored vest when you’re out of the house. 

Plan Ahead 

This is good advice for a lot of reasons. Be sure to give yourself extra travel time in case you encounter inclement weather. You should also make sure your prescriptions are always filled on time so you’re not at risk of running out of anything essential during a winter storm. 

If you need assistance preparing for the winter weather, especially when it comes to your home’s accessibility, please contact the team at ThedaCare At Home